1. Manage your time! Time management is always a crucial point, not only in studying, but every aspect of our lives. When you have to ability to manage time, you'll be able to do things at the right time and in an effective way. When it's your time to take a rest, take a rest! When it's your time to study, study! Don't take a rest when you are studying and don't study when you are taking a rest! We need a rest to stay fit when we are studying. When you are studying, concentrate on your study. When I have an exam the next day, I usually spend my evening by playing games, watching T.V., reading comic books, surfing the web, and other fun things. Mostly, I start studying at half past 7 and finish before 10 o'clock. My average mark: 80 out of 100. I do whatever I want before I study. 2. Concentrate! Concentration is a crucial point in studying. When you don't have the concentration, you won't b...